Concrete House & Garden Accessories

Silvercrete garden accessories include our garden borders, garden edging, garden lawn edging, tree surrounds, novelty slabs and circular slabs which can all be used in a garden setting. We stock this range in plain grey but colours can be made on application.

These products can be used for garden edging, separating lawns from gardens, creating garden beds, creating and linking pathways and our novelty pavers can be used as features in gardens and features in childrens play areas just to name a few.

Garden Edging

Garden edges create an aesthetically pleasing boundary to any garden area, separating and highlighting shapes and colours that reflect your personality.

Tapered Borders

Flat Edging

Tapered Edging with Mowing Strip

Mowing strips allow the mowers’ wheels to go over the edge of the lawn, making it easier to mow quickly and provides a far neater grass edge.









Concrete Pavers provide a great alternative to brick, stone or any other material used for pavers as they are exceptionally strong and long lasting, and typically far more cost effective.

Novelty Pavers

Novelty Pavers are a fun way to liven up a garden and give it your own special and interesting touch. Typically available and in stock in grey, they are also available to be made in other colours on request.